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Friday, June 27, 2008

What optional coverage limits and deductibles do you choose?

When you purchase your automobile insurance, you can select some of the coverage limits and deductibles.

Most states require the purchase of at least a minimum amount of coverage for Third Party Liability. If you choose a higher coverage limit, you can expect to pay a correspondingly higher premium. If you select a lower deductible, you'll also pay a higher premium. Why? Because in both examples, you're asking the insurance company to assume more financial risk if you're involved in an accident or claim. If you select a lower limit of coverage or a higher deductible, you can reduce your premium costs, but you also shift more of the financial burden of liability and repairs onto yourself.

You could decide not to purchase optional coverage, and this is one way to save on your insurance premium costs. For example, if you have an older automobile, you might want to consider not purchasing collision or comprehensive coverage if the automobile is not worth the additional premium cost.

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